Saturday, December 27, 2008

Chapter book, el jardin

The leaves rustled across my shoes. The birds continued to sing as if it was a regular normal everyday garden. I myself couldn’t believe I had taken the dare. I turned around and I could no longer see the house. Lynn and Alice were at the window watching me while I walked into the garden. In front of me, the path wasn’t visible anymore. I was very careful not to step on any flowers. I didn’t want to wake them. I should have gone shopping with my mom instead.

Las tortillas de mi abuelita

What is that smell? The smell that wakes you en la manana. The smell that lures you to la cocina. The smell that tastes riquisimo.

“Abuelita Abuelita teach me to make your delicious tortillas.” When I am older, I will make tortillas just like mi abuelita.
“Bueno, primero you must have harina” said la abuelita.
“That is flour, right?”
“Si” responded abuelita.
...“Muy bien hijita mia, you will be ready for manana.”
I sigh “Ay yai yai.”

Las aventuras de los coyotes

A poor farmer was having problems with his crops y had lost all esperanza. He could not grow flores, elote, or zanahorias. He overhead los animales talking about the wise coyote. El coyote seemed to have interesting predictions. The farmer decided to observe los animales y their crops. Everything was growing bonito just like the coyote predicted. Harvest time came.
.....The next morning all the zanahorias, elotes, flores y trigo were gone.
The farmer was at the market with a huge sonrisa on his cara. All the townspeople were buying fresh zanahorias, elotes, flores, y trigo. The farmer was no longer poor.

Mi family reunion

After the talent show, there’s a raffle. My papi bought lots of boletos. I hope we win something. One of the tias calls out the numbers.
Nope not mine.
Nope not mine.